Connection Rampart
Hedeby’s connection to the Danevirke
After the mid-10th century, Danish King Harald Bluetooth connected his important emporium of Hedeby to the Danevirke by building an additional rampart. On the king’s orders, the defences around Hedeby had recently been built. The Connection Rampart filled the gap between Hedeby’s Semicircular Rampart and the Main Rampart.
It runs from the Viking settlement to the low-lying wetlands of Lake Dannewerk, crossing a marshy valley on the way. In this way, natural borders were skilfully incorporated in the monument’s construction. The Connection Rampart is now truncatedby a major road.
But at the time, the newly constructed rampart was simply built over an existing burial mound at this point. An older burial containing the remains of a coffin, a sword and a knife was found in archaeological excavations beneath the rampart.
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Hedeby’s connection to the Danevirke
You are now standing on the Connection Rampart. After the mid-10th century, Danish King Harald Bluetooth connected his important emporium of Hedeby to the Danevirke by building an additional rampart. On the king’s orders, the defences around Hedeby had recently been built. The Connection Rampart filled the gap between Hedeby’s Semicircular Rampart and the Main Rampart.
It runs from the Viking settlement to the low-lying wetlands of Lake Dannewerk, crossing a marshy valley on the way. In this way, natural borders were skilfully incorporated in the monument’s construction. The Connection Rampart is now truncatedby a major road.
But at the time, the newly constructed rampart was simply built over an existing burial mound at this point. An older burial containing the remains of a coffin, a sword and a knife was found in archaeological excavations beneath the rampart.
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