
a medieval North Sea port

Hollingstedt was the site of Hedeby’s – and then medieval Schleswig’s – «North Sea port» over 1000 years ago. Merchant ships from the North Sea reached the port via the Eider and Treene rivers. This avoided the dangerous passage around the northern tip of Denmark. Instead, the narrow isthmus between Hollingstedt and Hedeby/Schleswig had to be crossed – an overland journey of only 16 km. From Hedeby, merchants then traversed the Schlei to the Baltic Sea. The overland route ran to the north of the Danevirke, which ends here in the west.

Hollingstedt’s harbor lay to the southeast of the present bridge. The river bank was lined with wooden revetments. Here merchants unloaded their goods onto oxcarts to continue their journey. And this is how volcanic tuff stone found its way here from the western central Rhineland region. This stone was used in parts of Hollingstedt’s St. Nicholas Church, built in the Romanesque style of the 11th to 13th centuries. You can find out more about Hollingstedt’s history at the exhibition in the «Hollinghuus» in the town centre.

Further information at: www.kuladig.de


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a medieval North Sea port

Hollingstedt was the site of Hedeby’s – and then medieval Schleswig’s – «North Sea port» over 1000 years ago. Merchant ships from the North Sea reached the port via the Eider and Treene rivers. This avoided the dangerous passage around the northern tip of Denmark. . Instead, the narrow isthmus between Hollingstedt and Hedeby/Schleswig had to be crossed – an overland journey of only 16 km. From Hedeby, merchants then traversed the Schlei to the Baltic Sea. The overland route ran to the north of the Danevirke, which ends here in the west.

Hollingstedt’s harbor lay to the southeast of the present bridge. The river bank was lined with wooden revetments. Here merchants unloaded their goods onto oxcarts to continue their journey. And this is how volcanic tuff stone found its way here from the western central Rhineland region. This stone was used in parts of Hollingstedt’s St. Nicholas Church, built in the Romanesque style of the 11th to 13th centuries. You can find out more about Hollingstedt’s history at the exhibition in the «Hollinghuus» in the town centre.

Further information at: www.kuladig.de