The UNESCO-World Heritage Convention

UNESCO decided in 1972 with the World Heritage Convention that "parts of the cultural or natural heritage are of outstanding importance and must therefore be preserved as World Heritage sites for all mankind". The Haithabu and Danevirke Archaeological Park Complex was inscribed on the World Heritage List of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 2018. To be considered a World Heritage Site, at least one of ten criteria must be met.

Haithabu and Danevirke fulfil two of them because they:

  • a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition
  • represent an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape that symbolises one or more significant periods in human history.

Further information is available at UNESCO (German version)

Further Links

World Heritage List
German UNESCO-Commission
Welterbestätten Deutschland e. V.